The Grace Lutheran Church council is made up of 10 individuals that each serve a three year term. They are nominated by members of Grace and are voted into office at the annual meeting. They’re responsible for serving as the “Board of Directors” of the congregation and serve as Chairperson or liaison to one of the ministry committees:

President: Barry Nelson

Vice-President:  Janine Messner

Treasurer:  Barb Johnson

Secretary: Ann Marie Kuchinski

Church Property: Ed Goelz

The purpose of the Church Property Committee shall be to oversee the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation, and shall take care that the same is kept in good repair and is adequately insured. Additional responsibilities include the care of the current facility, making necessary improvements to enhance the ministries of Grace Lutheran. They are charged with acquisitions as necessary, both equipment and property. They are also responsible to oversee the decorating of the church as appropriate for the different holiday seasons.

Communication:   Reed Ortland

The purpose of the communication team is to assist the congregation in both effective internal as well as external communication of the mission and ministry of Grace Lutheran Church.  This includes, and is not limited to, Web-based communication; cell communication, newspaper and television coverage of events, and online community building.  This team shall be responsible for technology support throughout the facility.

Faith Formation & Discipleship: Kim Lake

The Faith Formation and Discipleship committee is responsible for the formation of Christian disciples through the educational ministries of Grace Lutheran Church. This will be accomplished by exploring the biblical stories and creating a space to learn and grow in the Christian faith and its related faith practices as identified by the ELCA: pray; study; worship; invite; encourage; serve and give. This committee shall ensure the provision of quality Christian instruction: Pre-baptismal; First Communion; and all Christian learning activities like Life School; adult study groups, Bible studies; small groups and Confirmation. The focus of this committee is on the overall formation of faithful followers of Jesus in daily life.

Service: Judy Kretsinger 

The purpose of the service committee is to guide Grace Lutheran Church in its responsiveness to the needs of people within its service area within greater Loves Park. The committee shall plan, organize, prioritize and recruit Grace people to participate in its efforts to effectively meet the needs of hurting people in the name of Jesus. The following service projects fall under the direction of the service ministry: Mobile Food Pantry; Carpenter’s Place; the Rockford Rescue Mission, the Women’s Shelter and Habitat for Humanity.

Stewardship: Scott Boeke

The purpose of the stewardship committee shall be to teach biblical principles for the use of money, time and passions/gifts; to communicate with the congregation about the ministries we support locally, through our synod and the ELCA as well as our global partnerships; and lead all its members to higher levels of proportionate giving for the Lord’s work. (additional focus may include: Life management for example financial matters, time management; prioritization; as well as opportunities to serve God through generous giving of resources to serve the mission and ministry of Grace Lutheran Church.)

Youth:  Pastor JoAnna Patterson

The purpose of the Youth Committee is to innovate, strengthen and develop opportunities for youth in their teens to twenty-something. This committee focuses on the holistic development of a young culture at Grace Lutheran Church through education, service, community as well as spiritual, faith and character development. The committee works as a sounding board to generate new ideas and direction for the youth ministry. The committee will strive to provide youth specific as well as intergenerational events and service opportunities.


The purpose of the preschool committee is to guide Grace Preschool in its work to develop the spiritual, emotional, and academic growth of its students while building relationships between the church and preschool


The focus of the Hospitality team is two-fold: to encourage the people of Grace to be welcoming and helpful to guests at our church; and, to plan and support events that facilitate relationship building. The aim of the Outreach team is to continually encourage the people of Grace to love and serve our neighbors, coworkers and friends and invite them to events and worship at Grace.  The purpose of the worship subcommittee is to create a worshipful climate in our sanctuary for various seasons and give helpful feedback on worship to the pastors.

Download Annual Report 2020


Constitution 2009