Fill out a connection card
Worshipping with us online? Fill out our online Connection Card to let us know
Worship With Us! Services at 8:00, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Grace Kids at 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Click Here To Watch Or Listen To This Week’s Worship
Full 9:00 and 10:30 Services, Sermon Audio, Weekly Scripture Readings and Responsive Litany available here
Bible Study
A Discipleship Guide for Lutherans
Beginning in Lent 2022, I together with your Church Council, are encouraging our whole church to participate in a 5-week series called “A Discipleship Guide for Lutherans: Experiencing God.” The biggest desire I have heard from you is that you miss each other as church friends. A second desire is to connect with God in a fresh and deeper way….click here for more.
Current Happenings at Grace
Sunday, May 29, June 12 & 19
Please bring your donations to Sheri’s Place by Friday before 12 PM
Needed items: cheese, lunch meat, buns and fruit.
Grab a form on Sunday morning or sign up online, wish someone a Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Congratulations, in honor of, in memory of, etc. We will publish the names in the e-newsletter, slides, on Sunday and also on facebook. $5.00 donation for each date. The money donated will go in the youth account. Click Here for the online form.
We will be celebrating all graduates on June 12 at all three worship services.
Please call the church office with the graduate’s name and school.
Welcoming Rev. Amanda Dahlseng Monroe as Associate Pastor
Service of Ordination and Installation
Sunday, June 5, 2022 at 2PM
Reception immediately following at Grace
RSVP by June 1 to